MovieChat Forums > Bridgend (2013) Discussion > So why do you think they did it?

So why do you think they did it?

There's a lot of weirdness going on with that town. I think there's also a lot of information we don't know about. It's one thing to have that many people, who all sort of knew each other, to all kill themselves with the same method as well as leave no suicide note.

Personally I think it's some sort of psychological chain reaction virus that spreads combined with many other factors like alcohol, drugs, environment (it looked overcast an awful lot there), as well as certain things we don't know about. Maybe this is why the police are so hush hush about it.

Great documentary but I think there's more to the story. What do you think?


I think the filmmaker summed it up at the end. It's an economically dying area where young people face a bleak future. Hearing about all the other suicides somehow gives depressed young people an idea/permission to end it all in the same way. I think the lack of mental healthcare and support only increases the number of deaths.

It's hard to understand how people can choose to put their loved ones through such pain, especially when they've seen it all around them or even experienced it first hand, like Dean hanging himself from his daughter's swing set. I just don't get it.


I dont think the weather had anything to do with it. We do get sun in Bridgend!


Of course but there's factual existence of more SAD in countries with less sunlight per day.


They all have the same M.O., because there is a common theme running through all of them - the guy killing them. He kills them all the same way, and there's no note because they were murdered.

"Gold buys a mans silence for a time. A bolt to the heart buys it forever"


Forensically speaking it is not the same MO at all. All were hung differently. And it's remarkably easy to distinguish a forced hanging from a suicide.
