Robin Gibb?

Robin Gibb of The Bee Gees? Really?



I missed him! Does he work at the store?



FYOI – they made a mistake – it should be “Robins” (or similar) no relation to Be-Gees. I am sure you try to be “So Smart” and catch them making big mistake. “By George you did it”. This show is nauseating enough – so your posting is absolutely unnecessary – unless it’s making you feel “high and mighty”. So go ahead and feel it!!!!


Sorry my mistake – it should be Gibbs – well take it on me and shred me to pieces. I am sure I can take it.



when i posted this 3 years ago, I was being sarcastic because Robin Gibb of the Bee Gees is listed under the cast. And I'm surprised that Imdb still didn't fix this error from 3 years ago. Congratulations on being very sharp!


I actually put in a request for this to be fixed about two years ago - they responded that I would need to go into each individual episode (for both this and Bridesmaids) and put in correction requests. I replied that was foolish - they had to have a way to make a fix for the entire show instead of per episode from their end! Never heard back.
