Where is this movie?

I was looking forward to seeing it open today.
Imdb says it is opening this week (today, since it is Friday)
and I check various sites for shows in Toronto and nothing !

A Lawrence Kasdan movie and it isn't out? Even with a limited release
flicks usually have at least one Toronto screen.



its bec its bad.

I live, I love, I slay, and I'm content





rt's 17% sez possible

I live, I love, I slay, and I'm content


Still says "no consensus."

Maltin liked it.



I saw it. it wuz bad.

I live, I love, I slay, and I'm content


Do you like Kasdan's other movies?



its safe 2 say most ppl do. i dunno anybody dat dont like empire strikez back.

read dis review somebody posted it here: http://everyonequestion.com/darling-companion-review

i think after a while, even da gratez lose it.

rob reiner's last moviez, Flipped and Bucket List were just awful, and da latter 1 had 2 awesome actorz

ridley scott havent really made a grate film since Gladiator but dat is debatable. wat is not really debatable is his last filmz were very borin...Robin Hood?

i sense da same happenin 2 spielberg wid Warhorse which wuz purdy dull but many claim bec they try 2 homage old time cinema. will shall see if he still has it when Lincoln comez out in Dec

I live, I love, I slay, and I'm content


Writing scripts is like every other form of art - best done by the young. Directing is the same way. Hitchcock is the one notable example who made his best stuff in his 50s and 60s. Every other great peaked much earlier than that


Darling Companion was amazing. My mom and I saw it on the big screen in New York.
