Derek/Austin 'feud' ...

... is so ridiculous. First of all, it's based on total fabrication in that Derek is all bent out of shape because Austin invited Duncan Roy to a party. I read on Duncan's blog that the date was fake and set up. Derek overreacted to Duncan's joking around on the "date" and he made such a huge deal out of nothing! He was acting like Duncan had sold his first born child or something based on the severity of his reaction. And to still beat this dead fake horse with Austin, acting like it was the biggest betrayal of their friendship? Really? I actually side with Austin on this one, it's ridiculous.



. is so ridiculous. First of all, it's based on total fabrication in that Derek is all bent out of shape because Austin invited Duncan Roy to a party. I read on Duncan's blog that the date was fake and set up. Derek overreacted to Duncan's joking around on the "date" and he made such a huge deal out of nothing! He was acting like Duncan had sold his first born child or something based on the severity of his reaction. And to still beat this dead fake horse with Austin, acting like it was the biggest betrayal of their friendship? Really? I actually side with Austin on this one, it's ridiculous.

I agree with Austin on this one . Derek was totally over reacting. Derek refusal to be Austin's friend because Austin invited Duncan proves that Derek was never Austin's friend in the first place,and exposes derek as being as fake as a 3 dollar bill.






Derek is so in love with Austin. This all came about after Austin's husband came over here from England so Derek could not longer have Austin to himself. He is so jealous of Jake.

