I recently discovered this show and watched a lot of them back to back while having a duvet day.
It's deliciously bad - I love it.

They're all such superficial bitches, but Nyasha and Austin are the worst! There is something psychologically wrong with both of them.

Nyasha honey, when someone says "Nice shoes", the correct response is "Thank you", not "Jimmy Choos"..."Louboutins"...

She should spend some of that cash she's always bragging about and buy herself some decent hair, those RIDICULOUS wigs make her look like a tranny. She'd be better off going without the fake hair, her features will support a short natural afro really well.

For the record, there's no reason to believe her lips aren't real, many black women have plump lips...it's a feature that is most common to black people. Other races have to fake their lips - we don't!


Hahahaha - I was just thinking the other day that Nicki Minaj's purple and green wigs look more authentic than Nyasha's nasty hair pieces.
