Just imagine...

While on the one hand, I'm thrilled that (most) of the surviving Pythons are working on a project together (and I think that using voice performances is a really smart way to play it), I also can't help but think about how the elements at hand are not far from being dream fuel for a fan's hope of a quality late-period Python effort.

I know, I know... It's not a Python film per se (Jones has been clear on that), but it's fun to dream so walk with me a spell won't you...

Just imagine if they were all contributing to the writing (or at least punching up the script). Their collaboration and gate-keeping of each other's material is a huge reason their group stuff is more potent than the solo work.

Just imagine Eric excitedly working on a song or two for the film as well as voicing a character instead of acting the lone holdout (for reasons valid or otherwise that we'll probably never know). His contribution of character and humor was sooo important in balancing things.

Just imagine if Terry G was art directing.

Just imagine if there was some unused audio of Graham in the vaults that could be woven into a scene or two.

Just imagine if the voiceover sessions were recorded at the same time, with them all in the room.

All that said, I'm quite pleased that the lads are throwing their time and talents into the same ring once again. Keeping expectations realistic, there's no reason why this shouldn't be fun. Kudos to Jones for making this happen.

Above all, I sincerely hope that they have a blast being together and that it turns out to be a nice success for them.

