This is a really great documentary ... 10/10

Thank God for NetFlix! ;-)

I have this a 10/10 just for the mention of the change in the world with writing.
It got me really thinking ... it was one of several major tools for amplifying the
patriarchy, because after all, women were not taught to read, or educated.

She goes into the left brain right brain thing, which more and more was just a
vast oversimplification of neurology, there really is not such a thing, though
there is a kind of upper brain lower brain thing that goes on. Left and right are
not really useful or valid. But to discard that criticism and look at the point which
was that men and aggression and patriarchy ran the world, and this caused the
whole nature of human interactions to change.

Competition ruled, war, violence, and gambling. Since we did not have science,
when you have an idea you test it by doing it ... it's a gamble. If you think you can
make a "profit" by changing your behavior, do you think about it in a world where
humans don't live that long ... no, you throw yourself and your idea against the
world and see if it pays off ... that means we have acted as a species super fast in
things like the atom bomb, genetic engineering, computer technology, oil and
gas exploitation, and just about anything we do. I hear this over and over again,
thinking is bad, just do, especially in an organization.

This is the right thing to do if you exist is a competitive group trying to outcompete
another group and do not think or care about individuals, and in fact what it does
do is to create "thinkers" a brain where a class of people exist that use and exploit
others. It literally is a brain cancer we have, and most of us exist in the body of
humanity, i.e. the body politic, which has been stunted.

I had never really thought about that before, so what else would I give a movie that
made me think? That's a very rare thing that I want to encourage and share with
at least my opinions .... 10/10.
