Concept is entertaining...

Somewhat, if it weren't constructed around another gaslighting-woman-victim (yawn)
Plot twists are well placed, a redeeming feature. But why hasn't any poster objected to the massive dangling participle of the end she would pick her up from the hospital and Chris is presumably again in danger. We never discovered the Mike/Claire master plan, insinuated through her call to Mike-Ben whilst he by cellphone reminded Chris to pack. The happy ending amputated that juicy pedicle. Editors might not have deemed it juicy at so much of the film, or they were over budget. People who say this is the worst film- I agree in part, since I've never seen this new low in sloppy editing


I didn't think she was calling "Ben" because there were 17 missed calls, and Chris had never called her back with the address. He took her cell phone. That's also why he turned down the ringer (so she wouldn't wonder why he had two). He was calling Chris on the house phone.


