MovieChat Forums > Dallas (2012) Discussion > Biggest problems with the show

Biggest problems with the show

The biggest problem with this show was the number of episodes per season. On the original series there would be 28 or 29 episodes per year which is plenty enough to keep you interested. Here they only did 13 episodes per year so you watch for a couple of months and then it's not on for another 9 months. I never even knew when it aired. I always watched it On Demand. If it's on regularly people will get into a routine of watching it if it's good enough which I think this show was.

Other than that here are my knocks. I couldn't stand Bobby's wife crying on every episode. I wanted her killed off after one or two episodes. I saw her on Sledge Hammer and she was good on that but I hated her here.

The daughter for me was not a looker but they wrote her as one. If she worked in a strip club she would make no money at all. She should have been hotter.

Annie Wersching should have had a regular role. I loved her on 24, and she is a smoke show. Kill off Bobby's wife and get him with another hot red head.

I don't remember seeing any real car chases. That would have been cool.

Somebody should have fattened up Jordana Brewster. She still had a good waist to hip ratio so she's still good to look at, but another 10 or 15 pounds ain't gonna hurt her. It'll go to the right places like when she was younger and was really smoking hot.

And I'm pretty sure after the last episode they said they'd be back in July or whenever. I don't like to be lied to. Do what you say. Say what you do.


"The biggest problem with this show was the number of episodes per season. On the original series there would be 28 or 29 episodes per year which is plenty enough to keep you interested. Here they only did 13 episodes per year so you watch for a couple of months and then it's not on for another 9 months. I never even knew when it aired. I always watched it On Demand. If it's on regularly people will get into a routine of watching it if it's good enough which I think this show was. "

There were 10 episodes season 1, and 15 episodes for season 2 and 3. Only the last season was split up. 8 episodes in the winter/spring and 7 episodes in the summer.

"I don't remember seeing any real car chases. That would have been cool. "

How many car chases did the original Dallas have?

"And I'm pretty sure after the last episode they said they'd be back in July or whenever. I don't like to be lied to. Do what you say. Say what you do."

They never said they'd be back. After the season 1 finale aired, they said they'd be back in January. After season 2 finale, the renewal was announced. But there was no announcement after the season 3 finale. The only thing TNT did was to have a commercial saying goodbye to Chris Ewing.


I commend you on your excellent memory. Either way you should get my point about the episodes. They aired way too sporadically. It was a huge buzz kill.

I don't know how many car chases the original series had, but they are always helpful to a TV show. Have you ever seen The Dukes of Hazzard? Check it out dude.

That's about all I got. I'm not sure about what they said after the last show. I thought they said they'd be back in July, or back in 2015, or something like that but I could be wrong. I don't keep a diary about stuff like this. Maybe I should though.

Dear Diary... I posted on IMDB today about Dallas airing 13 episodes per season because there were three seasons and 40 episodes (13.33 per year to be exact) and some dude caught me on a technicality (probably that douche Ted Turner) because there were 10 episodes in season one, 15 in season two, and the last season was split up with 8 and 7 airing way far apart. I felt really stupid. I hope I don't start cutting or anything like that. That other dude was really smart though. I wish I could figure out where he gets his info from. Tonight I watched Celebrity Wife Swap with Hines Ward and Mini Me. Hines is a super neat freak, and his wife is a smoke show. Probably his first wife didn't like cleaning his 12,000 square foot house without a maid and left him, but he hit the jackpot with this babe. Verne has a pretty cute chick too. She is a little taller though. Picture King Kong and Naomi Watts but with the female being taller in this instance. After the show they gave a preview of next weeks episode with Jeremy London and some Billionaire. It looks like things are going to get nasty. I can't wait.
