MovieChat Forums > Last Days Here (2011) Discussion > Has this movie been Anvil'd at all?

Has this movie been Anvil'd at all?

And by that, I mean has Last Days Here had the chronology of the actual events moved around to manipulate the audience they way the makers of Anvil did?

I almost gave up on this movie about 20 minutes in because it seemed so depressing and beyond any chance at redemption.
Glad I stayed with it because it ended up feeling like an amazing story of redemption and of a man fighting his demons and winning.

Then I remembered that Anvil suckered me into a similar ending that turned out to be fake due to the manipulation of the real life chronology.

Please tell me that they did no such thing in Last Days Here and what I saw is a true documentary and not a Michael Moore style BS job like Anvil.

Are you a bug Bill Murray?


I've no evidence to prove the film makers weren't on the level, but these type of documentaries all tend to follow the same format.

The NYC show seemed like an invite and free tickets deal. Maybe that's what Pellet meant by "having money invested in this" (ie, venue rental).

It also makes me wonder what Bobby is doing to support a new wife and kid, as one staged comeback show doesn't equal a job.


The have released a new album and toured Europe since the doc was released. Bobby looks great.


One thing I'm pretty goddamned sure of is that Bobby is not "looking good these days". At least throw a "for him" in there or "for a hard living street person", or something. I am so glad w haven't invented smell-o-vision yet. The guy actually screams about how he's covered in scabies! That's quite a find you got there for the father of your child, kid.


Having been in the film, and having known Bobby, Pellet, and Demien for years now, I can tell you that none of it was fixed in any way. Everything you see in the film was real.
