Underrated and very funny

I skipped this in the theater solely because of the critics reviews. But i caught it tonight on cable and it was really funny. It was consistently funny - no lags. The whole lets be a family thing became real without smarmy feel-good scenes. It was a creative caper movie with solid actors who are great together and are really funny.


Agreed. I missed it in theaters because it didn't look that good to me, but I watched this a few weeks ago and I loved it!

INTERSTELLAR - Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here.



It's been 1 year exactly after it's release. Also I like Emma Roberts(she's stunning in every snapshot!). Much better than other comedies! Punchlines were perfect!



Thanks. Let's see who will be 1st to remember 2nd Anniversary!


It's been 1 year exactly after it's release. Also I like Emma Roberts(she's stunning in every snapshot!). Much better than other comedies! Punchlines were perfect!


Agreed. it holds up on re-watches to as i just seen this for the 2nd time on Sep 2nd 2014 and it held steady and had some good laughs etc.

My Top 13 movies of 2013 out of the 115 2013 released movies i have seen...

1.The Wolf of Wall Street - 8/10 (between my 4th-10th favorite movie of the current decade to so far)
2.Before Midnight - 7-7.5/10
3.At Middleton
4.Adore - 7/10
5.Only God Forgives
6.Spring Breakers
7.Captain Phillips
9.The Artist and the Model
11.Warm Bodies
12.We're the Millers
13.The Lone Ranger

i have seen all thirteen movies there above at least twice now. some that used to be in my Top 15-ish area of 2013 have taken a hit on a re-watch while others held steady and some grew a bit stronger. my 2013 list above should be pretty stable now.

My IMDb Movie Lists etc = http://goo.gl/pZ8XG


I just watched Wolf of Wall Street a couple hours ago for the first time. I laughed a lot more than I expected and I didn't need to think about nearly as much as I thought I would. It was just a crazy movie of excess and ridiculousness and I enjoyed it. I haven't opened my mouth in shock that much since watching the tv show 'Shameless'. I did feel that hint of Good Fellas due to the narration, the criminal element, the money being tossed around, etc. but I didn't let it override the experience. This movie, Meet the Millers, had me concerned that the funniest parts were all in the trailer. I don't watch comedies for that reason. This one was funnier than I expected the first time I watched it, and I laughed even more the second time, so it got better and better.

Instagram: Ms_Angie00




Usually you see a movie and the best of the movie is shown in the commercials and trailers. This was the opposite.

This movie kept the best parts in the movie off the trailer. I watched it on cable and it was much better than I thought it was going to be.

You have to take it for what it is, it's meant to entertain you, that's all, there's no message, it's junk food, and sometimes you just need to sit and laugh for a few hours, and it did a great job of doing that.

If you didn't watch past the credits, make sure you do next time!


I agree it is a funny movie. It's not without flaws, but it was entertaining and a fun film to watch. 6/10


I was expecting it to be utterly forgettable myself, but was surprised at the various gut-laughs it managed to give me.

It's obligatory warm-fuzzy's were uneeded, or at least could have been written less hammy-but overall it's a pretty funny movie. It's raunchy without feeling like it's just trying to go for the shocks. it balances funny banter with raunchy really well.
