MovieChat Forums > We're the Millers (2013) Discussion > Who do y'all think he enjoyed kissing mo...

Who do y'all think he enjoyed kissing more

Jennifer Aniston is all right but Emma Roberts is smoking hot



He'll I want to know what that 'trick' was that Anniston taught him ;-)


You'll NEVER find out.


Yeah - Emma is hot but what about Molly Quinn from Castle! Between those two that must have been really rough and then to have to through Jennifer A into the mix - the poor man!


I think that's how they persuaded him to do the spider bite gag... either writing in the kissing scenes as payment, or just asking him to do the spider bite scene as he finished kissing them all.

I'd've said yes either way.

Dum Spiro Spero


Emma is hot , but I think he enjoyed kissing Jen more , the older woman younger man thing is really hot. All young guys want an older woman

Boston and Philly love to slander us, but they don't have as many fans as us



If I was his age, I would've pushed Emma out the van and asked "mummy" for advanced steps.

It was a great scene, that went on for longer than it should have.


Jennifer is hotter, but Emma probably has puppy breath compared to Jens.


I would have asked them to demonstrate on each other, then stuck myself in the middle.




Jennifer. it has so much more run. He can tell his grandkids that he made out with anniston and they'll know who she is.

emma, might be hot, but won't be known in 6 months.

if i were in his shoes, i'd have requested much practice in the hot tub.


Go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!


maybe Jennifer if he did not think that she is as old as his mother...
but she was looking AMAZING in the movie and her body was AMAZING too.

i went to see INCEPTION 5 times... !!!


Why couldnt they have had Emma & Rach...Jennifer kiss each other??
