
Why when you live in the weed capital of the world are you going Mexico to get a bunch of dirt weed?

Some of the best pot on the planet comes from Colorado so wouldn't it make sense for a big time drug dealer to be smuggling crap from Mexico...unless of course it was cocaine or heroin. It would have been better if they thought they were going to get weed but ended up with a ton of heroin...or at least don't have the main characters living in the easiest place to get a bunch of good weed on the Earth.

It was a funny movie but that kind of bothered me.


They filmed this before the current regulation went through. There is no such thing as a weed dealer anymore. I'm sure it will be reflected in the sequel.

Where is the face-palm emoticon when you need it?


I understand that but even before recreational use was legalized it was still very easily accessible for "medical" use. My point is any drug dealer from Colorado would have no need to import from outside the state let alone the country.


There were PLENTY of weed dealers before rec went through. It was not that easy to get it through the med channel, like Cali. Ending prohibition got rid of all of the weed dealers pretty damn quick.

Where is the face-palm emoticon when you need it?


I am not saying there weren't dealers. I just don't see big time guys like Ed Helms character having to go out of state unless he is getting hard drugs which was never suggested. Plus Mexico's weed is notoriously nasty.


I've lived in Denver since 2008 and thought it was odd that he's suppose to be a weed dealer here. Most people would just find a reason to get medicinal weed before you could it was legalized.


Maybe the big time drug dealer was in Colorado due to their laws on Marijuana and then from there distributed it to other stats without those laws.
