Extremly hard to watch.

It was so hard to watch and I had to cover my eyes with my hand because many scenes was so emberassing. I dont really understand what was the problem of writers but seriously, although the movie was sometimes funny, on many scenes I prayed the current scene end soon.


What scenes? The only scenes that made me cringe a little was the ones with the knawmsayin guy.


What about the moment the 'daughter' and 'mother' kissed the 'son' repeadly. And at that moment the girl came in


The kissing scene was funny.


The kissing scene was the set up for the unravelling of the 'family' relationship and leads to the climax of the film. In that case it served an important part of the charade.

Its that man again!!


My penis certainly enjoyed that scene.



What about the moment the 'daughter' and 'mother' kissed the 'son' repeadly. And at that moment the girl came in

That was extremely funny and remember they weren't a real family so there was no incest involved.


Kissing is not incest. You must be an American.

But there was nothing funny about this, or any other scene in this movie.


Yeah the kissing scene was cringeworthy for me. Probably because I hate Emma Roberts. Plus it was just weird that it even happened. Though funny when the girl saw it.


They weren't actually family but they were clearly starting to like each other. That's all it was. It was a scene to show that they were really starting to trust each other


Wait. Why was that bad? It was a situation comedy. The mother and daughter kissing the son scene made sense to me. They weren't really a family and he was an innocent enough kid for some tongue swapping action.


U.S. Border guards shooting at illegals....stupid and ridiculous.


I am so extremely bothered by the fact that they had the "mother" do an extreme strip dance in front of her "son" and "daughter" what were they thinking. I was a Jennifer A. Fan until that scene. Now just disappointed.


She wasn't their mom. She was a stripper pretending to be their mom.


I know that, it's still wrong to have an adult dancing and in a bra like that I front of minors




Because the human body is dirty, dirty, dirty.




They were both 18...so not minors.


So u think it's okay to dance like that in front of your "kids"? hope you don't have any ...and u r what's wrong with society today! I'm guessing you approve of Miley Cyrus too?


Please tell me your joking.


I think even natural born is way too traumatic for a new born it can costs years and years lasting post-traumatic stress disorder too see Mom like that. I said there should be something covers everything or even better would if we go back to 50´s when stork deliver the new born.


Wich part don't you get about her not being the mom of the two kids???


She did it to distract the bad guys. It was easy because they aren't really her kids. They aren't even kids. The characters AND the actors are over 18. The only moral problem you could possibly have here is if you have something against stripping, but I don't believe that is the case because you keep harping on the idea of doing it in front of kids.

Get that idea out of your head because it is not relevant.

By the way, the problem with society is the fact that parents are too lazy to teach their kids right and wrong. Anything can be seen. What's important is what you teach them after the initial shock wears off. Set them up for the real world. Let them see "bad" things, but teach them the idea of fake and real life, right and wrong. It's not really that hard to realize this. It's common sense. It's not an easy thing to actually do, but parenting is not an easy job. It takes time and patience and understanding, but in the end, It makes them a better person. At the very least it relieves their ignorance of the world.


You either don't have kids or you're impossibly naive.

It does matter what kids see and hear at what ages and stages of maturity. You can talk your face off after showing certain kinds of things to a young child, and it's not going to reverse or overpower the effects of what they've seen and heard. There are some things a child is just not going to be able to process or figure out at a certain age, no matter what you do or don't tell them about it. If you don't understand why, you probably need to do some reading about the development of the brain in childhood and adolescence, stages of psychological development and behavior, the overwhelmingly strong tendency toward raw imitation at some ages and with some stimuli, etc.

Still, I tend to agree with you about the scene in question. These "kids" aren't kids at all, and they're not the real children of the "mom" character, of course. This is a good case of comedy that pushes the line into discomfort for some people without actually being anywhere near as "wrong" as it appears to be (aside from the basic question of whether there's something wrong with stripping), and the audience knows that even as it's happening. It makes them squirm even as they know there's really not a reason to squirm, because the "family" is a total fiction. And as for the moral question re stripping itself, well...I don't think the story purports to be a defense of stripping as a job, since these are not exactly characters to be emulated, for anybody mature enough to understand that you don't emulate just anybody.


Yeah, the fake mom dancing in front of the kids was pretty bad. Not to mention the fact that they're going across the border to brink back drugs, that itself is pretty bad too. Oh wait, this is a movie.


loves it!!!!


The kid is 18, and I don't remember them saying how old the girl is.

IRL, she's 22. Get over yourself.


dear katb92084:
Victoria Secret sometimes does a television program of nothing but this sort of thing...women prancing about clad only in bra and panties and it is broadcast on "regular ole" network television channels (not ppv) and aired during prime-time family viewing hours. What do you think of that?


someone dancing in underwear...? SERIOUSLY? come on...it's 2013, nearly 2014, and the kids portrayed are playing the ages of 17 and 18... not 8!.. ridiculous... there's worse on cable at 4pm.


Only in the grey area with the boy who was still slightly under 18. The girl was older.


They weren't minors - it was stated in the film that the boy was 18, and the girl was a street girl and, it was implied, an occasional prostitute - hardly innocent children!



They weren't minors


Umm she was trying to save their LIVES. I think dancing in front of a couple of teens was perfectly acceptable.


I know that, it's still wrong to have an adult dancing and in a bra like that I front of minors.

Why, are you afraid that said minors might discover that the "adult" has breasts? Heavens to Betsy!

Sister, when I've raised hell, you'll know it!


Then I suggest not taking your minors to a beach.



I wish people like you would get off your puritan, moral superior soapbox and try to find some joy in human sexuality. You might actually be happy.


They were not minors. The boy was 18 and the girl was a bit older than him.


You're forgetting that the drug dealer guy told her to prove that, according to Emma's character, they "weren't even a real family". So, um, your point is invalid. Also, since when did drug dealers have morals and regard for others?


I think your view of drug dealers are really really distorted from reality.

I don't use drugs at all, nor am I a drug dealer myself, but drug dealers aren't a materialisation of evil spirits. Sure, there are cartel drug dealers that occasionally kils people, but your average drug dealer doesn't do that.

You know what I'm saying? Also, he said to prove she was a stripper, as a way to verify it wasn't just all lies they were letting out.


We are not talking about the average drug dealer here - we are talking about the head of a Mexican drug gang. Read the news- they kill people all the time. If stripping could save their lives, the "mom" would have been stupid not to do it. In a life-and-death situation, I doubt that the moral impact on the kids would have been the first thing on her mind. Get real.


Knaw'm sayin'?


Maybe because you have body image issues, religious indoctrination issues pounded in by "family values" people.

Logically there is nothing wrong with a mother dancing in front of her son/daughter in either a bikini (bra/panties) or even nude.

Of course if your being held by gunpoint doing anything to save your life is better then dying.

Sad all that social condition got to your head.


>> Logically there is nothing wrong with a mother dancing in front of her son/daughter in either a bikini (bra/panties) or even nude. <<

That is just...weird.


Logically there is nothing wrong with a mother dancing in front of her son/daughter in either a bikini (bra/panties) or even nude.

I have 2 questions:
1) Is your mom hot?
If so....
2) Can I come to your next family gathering? I promise to bring dollar bills.


Please tell me you're kidding??


Agree with you. Many hilarious scenes, but some scenes were painful to watch because you don't want them to destroy their relationship with that other family.


Yes sir, couldn't agree with ya more. especially the scene inside the tent was just *beep* embarassing even to watch , I mean what the hell was that?

but the "let's cut their throats" dialog was funny and random.

My Movie Page


You fail as a critic.

<Generation "me" is an EPIC FAILURE>


I wholeheartedly agree! This movie sucked big time. Why does everyone love Jennifer Aniston? I don't find anything she does to be good. Yeah she was catapulted by Friends but that show largely succeeded because of the group. Name a funny movie she has done on her own, with her as the leading acting. Overall this movie was *beep* and I'm glad I walked out!!


>> I wholeheartedly agree! This movie sucked big time. Why does everyone love Jennifer Aniston? I don't find anything she does to be good. <<

Then why the *beep* did you go buy a ticket to a film that had Aniston as one of the leads?


I pray you go back to school to learn how to spell and it wouldn't hurt to learn how to write a complete sentence before you even begin to type a comment!


Don't be so hard on the OP ... obviously English isn't their first language ...

Now that CGI is up to it will somebody PLEASE make a movie of Larry Niven's Ringworld


just saw it how can you be a drug dealer and not have any weapons you don't need a gun, there is like 20 different type of self defense weapons that you can carry other than a gun.


Or maybe the OP is 8 years old. That sounds more like it.


Are you 13 year old? cuz this is R rated.
