Has it gotten better?

Context: Spider-man is my favourite Marvel hero by far. There is not much Spider media I haven't consumed. All the movies and tv shows except for The New Animated Series and the 60's show. Also, have had numerous dreams of spinning my web through my home town. Played all the recent games despite their shortcomings.

I especially loved the 90's for the storylines. Secret Wars, Sinister Six, Morbius and Man-Spider. Seems like stuff that just isn't being made anymore aside from a few standouts like The Legend of Korra and Clone Wars.

Have the show gotten better with the third season? It seems like there is some serialization now, and the horrible humour seems less evident.

Also, as I'm not interested in going through two seasons of terrible episodes, is it possible to watch the third season without having seen the two first? The OCD in me demands that I watch the entire show, but I know I'm going to hate watching them.Currently reading about Spider Verse so it could be very satisfying.

Thanks all.


I'm in the same boat you're currently in. I pretty much forgave a lot of things I didn't like about this show when it first aired, but one thing I couldn't get passed was the constant 4th wall breaking. If it has been toned down, I can see myself coming back, no problem. 😀
