MovieChat Forums > 2010 MTV Video Music Awards (2010) Discussion > So boring. Kanye, please come interrupt ...

So boring. Kanye, please come interrupt Taylor again.

Or just do... something. Please. Save this! It's so dull and Lady Gaga is just going to keep winning everything. Ugh.

Also, question, in case anyone is here, haha. Isn't Video Phone really old? Even released before Single Ladies and Bad Romance? It feels old and irrelevant. Did they just nominate it so Beyonce could be up for an award?



Her music just flies over my head, somehow. It doesn't appeal to me though I can see why others like it. Overall, she usually just comes across very vanilla and snoreific.

But yes, kudos for not lipsynching or autotuning everything.


It is not MTV's fault with this show, the music this decade really sucks. Paramore????, what crap is that. Sung by a really ugly redhead. They call their music alternative rock, emo, pop punk. There is no rock in their music just pop crap.

RIP 24 2001-2010
RIP LOST 2004-2010
RIP "THE X-FILES" 1993-2002


I kinda disagree with that, sorry to say. MTV shows you the worst sh-t of pop and alternative music that there is. This is NOT the only American music that is present. This is just a very small fragment of it that is shoved down our throats because the tweeniebopper tard generation buy into it. There is better stuff out there, for sure. A lot of it. You're just not gonna see it on MTV, ever again. MTV is about Drake, Paramore, Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift.


I listen to The Birthday Massacre.......

RIP 24 2001-2010
RIP LOST 2004-2010
RIP "THE X-FILES" 1993-2002


I agree. I was hoping he would run out and elbow drop her in the middle of her weak ass performance. Yes, she was one of the few artists who sang live that night, but she sounded TERRIBLE!
