This season sucks

Eden sucks
The drama is all soooo repetitive
Get over Kim!
Stop recycling for an entire season!


i actually love this season. except for Eden. something creepy about her.


You do???



i love this season because brandi is gone and kim is barely on. their garbage was dragging the show down for too long. this season is lighter and fun. i enjoy the travel and parties. and jokes.


Kim and Brandi weren't on last season either. Unfortunately, this season is even worse than the last.


It's such a boring season. You're right.


This is the worst season ever. EVER!!!



They need some conflict that is new. I like the ladies and I like to see them have fun, but it's needs new conflict and better casting. They should have added two new for sure, but Eden is just weird and Dorit is actually too nice.


I like this season, too! It has a good balance of humor and drama. I like Dorit, can't stand Eden or Rinna and I miss Brandi and am always happy to see Kim!


Yeah I pretty much say that every season until like the last 2 episodes..then i'm like, ok it wasn't a total waste watching. but it was close!


There is always going to be repetitive storylines if they keep the same cast. It's not like they stop filming for 2 years and come back to see what has changed. Same people, same issues.

There is no pleasing HW fans. When it is about real drama like alcoholism, disease (real or imagined), divorce, death, etc then it is too dark and "I watch to escape". When the drama tones down and the major disagreement is panties then it is boring and "I miss the drama".


It's hard to win with a "bad show;" SORRY! There shouldn't be any real drama with affluent BS'rs like these people! Everything should be trivial!  

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