My name is boom Mike

I believe this movie was a revolution for boom mics. For decades they've had to work behind the scenes while actors hog all the glory, only getting rare cameos in movies like Cabin In The Woods and Gothika. But this director made the gutsiest move in Hollywood today by allowing boom mics to share almost the same amount of screen time as the actors, sometimes getting so close as to almost touch them. And not just that, he's broken the shackles of boom-mic bigotry and hired boom mics of all colours and shapes! There's grey booms, black booms, even tube-like booms with red caps on them!
Surely this is a glorious time to be a boom mic in Hollywood.
In fact, in several scenes, there are TWO boom mics interacting with each other, and some are even so expertly choreographed to stay in the shot while the actor and camera move! I believe that one day, boom mics will be treated as equals and will be risen to the same high ranking standards as top Hollywood actors! Finally, after years of being behind the scenes, boom mics are making a comeback!


If there was a like button for comments, you would get mine.




You can't palm off a second-rater on me. You gotta remember I was in the pink!




Guess I need glasses 'cause I never saw one boom mic.
