Wow! Horrible Actors!!

Okay so we have a guy that thinks he's hot (standing with his sister! haha!) and a so called "Trophy Wife" I thought she was a man, and I am not usually judgmental but come on! You know hubby and wifey could have come off as decent "beautiful" people if they would have had pleasant personas. And hubby you are quite normal looking, so quit tanning!!!! You will never be the stud you would like to portray!!!! Find a different career! I am sure you are a great mans man! Good luck!


Hi canoechick1. I don't think you hve the right one. Painfull Paintball had a mother (myself) with a son and a injured collar bone and a older friend whom used a high powered gun instead of a regular. Script was thrown out right beore I had one hour to work with the two guys whom had NEVER acted before:)They were nice though and considering I think it turned out ok. Lets us know what you think and have a good day!


This is my episode, & you're describing a different one.


canoechick1, you definitely have the wrong episode.


I just saw Jameelah Artiaga portraying a Joanne Davis. This was an episode about a basketball player who broke the hoop. Harvey Levin produced a show entitled Famous In 12 about a family of beautiful young ladies trying to be famous in 12 episodes. The Artiaga family was the Kardashian wannabes. I have seen Jameelah on Let's Make A Deal so she is still trying. I guess I have been duped because I thought the litigants were real and not actors. Dummy Me!!!! Judge Ross just lost cool points with me!
