
How many of these dance films are they going to make? They are completely devoid of any plot. And also marketed toward children!! I watched the trailer and it seems to be half naked men performing what appear to be quite sexual 'dance' moves. Is this what we want our kids watching these days? I used to enjoy Dangermouse and Thundercats when I was that age, not this tosh. I'm sorry my argument is half-arsed but I'm literally tired of these movies.


Last year there were quite a few out and I enjoyed watching then as a bit of fun, nothing too serious.

This film however was so unoriginal and boring, I wonder why they made it. Probably so George Sampson fans would pay loads extra to see him in 3D (which was very badly utilised IMO)

The thing is, dance is such an expressive and varied art form. There is potential for some really interesting and entertaining movies, but I guess producers are too scared to make them as they believe that the public wouldn't get it...


you don't make any sense
