Major Galore

What do y'all think of her? Apart of me feels that she is intimidated by Mariah lynn crack boney ass but I like her. She's pretty af and thick too ooou


She seems real to me whereas Mariah Lyn seems like she tries toooooo hard to be "hood" and "ratchet" with all her gesticulating and antics. I don't think Major has the best voice and definitely can't dance, but I think they can work with her (like Jay Z did with Rihanna). If she gets the right management and she's serious about her career in music she could be a star. I agree, she's very pretty and there's something about her, I don't know. MariahLyn's on the other hand, her stuff is old and tired and 90's. She needs to take a seat or drive down another street or something.She irritates me every time she comes on. It seems like she's doing it all for tv. Where's the real Mariah Lyn because I know that's just a persona she created for tv.


I agree. Mariahlynn seems like she's putting on this tough girl street act. But then again, maybe she has had to, to a certain extent.
She's puertorican but she looks like a tiny little white girl that anyone could snap in half.
I can't stand any of her music that I've heard this far though and I do like Major better.


She looks like Lauren me.
