
1 too much csi and not enuf kung fu
2 da mystery wuz not really surprisin or fun
3 da final battle seemed like total cop out
4 somethin didnt seemed too kosher bout protagonist...hez a reformed mass murderer? um ok...
5) da investigator keepz comin back like he can arrest da guy when all other copz r scared out of their witz
6) csi wuz borin and didnt warrant repeat of scenez

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafcker


Only thing awful about this thread is you. Jesus, do you really talk and spell like that in real life? Learn proper english and grammar before you make another post and maybe somebody will respond nicely, douche.

"We're not bad people, we just come from a bad place."


CLOVRz, you beat me to the punch with your comment! Spot on. XD


I was about to say the same thing. How can anyone take your review seriously when you obviously haven't even mastered the English language?


It might be different if the OP's language was one other than English; but his handle leads me to suspect he's just being slack. How then indeed can you take his opinions seriously?


agreed, (all his posts are in textspeak)
