MovieChat Forums > Generation Um... (2013) Discussion > Significant movie, but not for the callo...

Significant movie, but not for the callous and insensitive.

If you watch the movie with no preconceptions ( don't read the reviews or blogs ) then you'll understand what this movie is "saying" ! It is designed to raise questions concerning one of this and previous generations dilemmas.


Well thanks for that profound glimpse into the deep and existential nature of the film. I was lost before I read that.

Movies are IQ tests. The IMDB boards are each person's opportunity to broadcast their score.


Glad to be of help. :)


Wow. How can I say this? You're wrong.

I watched it not knowing anything about it, seeing Keanu was in it, knowing it looked like an art-house piece, and guessing it was going to be a slow character-based film since the description said "have a series of frank conversations."

Notice none of these things caused me to not watch the film. Then I watched it. And it was horrible.

To call this a "significant movie" is REEALLLLY a stretch.


Thank you, for making the point. :)


How so?


"Significant movie, but not for the callous and insensitive."

Well speaking about no preconceptions: if you don't like the movie, then you are callous and insensitive. Too funny!

Could have been a better movie had they started out with the girls attending the party, then having all the characters go about their day and party that evening. And drop Keeanu's roommate too, and those final scenes during the credits.
