Completely awful.

Almost embarrassing, actually. I feel bad for anyone who had a part in it. Just predictable, lightweight fluff that goes through the usual motions and contrivances of family drama. I found Zosia Mamet's role abhorable at best (and not just because of her turn on "Girls") -- the way her character flip-flops from one scene to the next is both ridiculous and unforgivable. The worst part is that this all seems to be setting up something great and important that will transpire next, however, this is never paid off.

But, uh, maybe the kids will like it...


Well, yeah, the kids might like it, mainly because it was a kids' movie. Seemed intended for the adolescent market. Until the last 10 minutes, that is. What the heck HAPPENED there? I said elsewhere it seemed like they spliced the last 5 minutes of Stigmata onto a nice adolescent film. Seriously, what's the explanation for that very weird one-line exit after the events immediately preceding it?



Heh, yeah it was pretty bad and uneven on all fronts, cept maybe actors but they had so little to work with. I sort of loved it thought. It was a pleasant kind of dumb that I have a soft spot for.


terrible *beep* movie.

Liberate tutemet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.


