guilty pleasure

Ok, wasn't a great movie, but I couldn't turn it off. I was totally routing for witch bitch and was saddened when she lost.

The gore wasn't bad considering they didn't have much of a budget. It was like a horror movie from the 70s or 80s which I loved. Nowadays we're just inundated with cgi horror films.


I cheered for her as well, but without tricks, she was pretty much done for it against the Cyclops. Only one of those I rooted for, Vampire Lady, actually survived. Werewolf, Witch Bitch and the Zombie all became wormfood.

Could have been better effects, more chilling atmosphere and better monsters. Still, I liked the idea, the zombies minor invasion, and when "Sid" became a zombie and the other guy whose name I forgot right away had to "put him down like a mongrel" and make sure to tell the viewers exactly this.
"Good morning Mr. Basset, this is your wake-up call. Please move your ***."
