Is this a real thing?

Do people really go and pretend like it is 1805 for days? I can see travelling the routes, talk about what they did around the campfire, etc. i.e. immerse yourself in the history but to speak and pretend to be another person?


To an extent-yes. Reenacting is a pretty big thing, in the east especially, with sites like Gettysburg doing massive battles. I don't know for sure about something like a trek happening, most stay stationary, and I don't know if one about Louis and Clark even exists. But,at most reenactments people do were full period garb a try to live with only period actuate things...when the public is around. As most reenactments have a battle and some Q&A seasons with the actors, there is normally a public, but after the public leaves for the night it's pretty normal to see someone dressed in full garb on twitter. So, in short: people do pretend to be like another person, but only when preforming or talking to the public. (woah, sorry this is so long, I just really like this thing, hope this helped!)
