Why do these Vampires...

Dislike hairbrushes or any form of haircare?


Who do they need to impress?

The stories of an underappreciated retail employee.


No one, I suppose. I just found it distracting. I kept wondering why the vampires all had post coital hair. Is there some sort of significance to it? Is it because they can't see themselves in the mirror? Is that how they identify themselves to other vampires? I've settled on the fact that they have been alive so long they just don't care anymore. But Ava looks like she cares a little bit, so I don't know.


Well, Ava lives in LA where a vampire who wants to feed has to look her best.

Adam and Eve generally try to avoid being seen by a lot of people in public, so living in a place like Detroit, you tend to blend in a lot better if you look like another unemployed "artist".

The stories of an underappreciated retail employee.


The director said, I believe it was on the commentary, that their hair was "dead" and they purposely tried to make it dry and ratty.


I believe on the commentary it was also stated that the director wanted their hair to look feral, like wild animals, as a reminder to the audience that they are not human.


THe actors playing vampires in the movie actually wore wigs made out of a mixture of human, yak and I think goat hair. Not sure why he chose that route but they are wigs worn by the actors.
