MovieChat Forums > Weekend (2011) Discussion > Can you recommend a movie that is not Sh...

Can you recommend a movie that is not Shelter?

I've seen Shelter and I honestly don't know how anyone likes it. Let alone how it has a greater rating than Weekend. Trevor and Brad had ZERO chemistry and everything seemed so awkward. Tom and Chris on the other I just loved every bit of it. The dialogue, the chemistry, the situations...The only other movie I liked as much as Weekend is Get Real. I also saw Beautiful Thing but it wasn't very good...So, what I'm asking is...can you recommend a movie that involves actors with actual chemistry which makes the whole scenario believable? Thanks


Two of my favourites of recent times are Boys (2014) and North Sea Texas. Less intimacy and perhaps a little less realism than weekend but I thought the chemistry is both of those movies was really believable.


Thanks :) I hope I'll like them!


Boys was great! Thanks! :)


No problem. Really glad you enjoyed it. Check out my list of my favourite gay movies. There may be others that interest you.


I'm pretty much with you. Weekend is a far superior film to Shelter (although I did not dislike the latter)and I agree with you about Weekend's dialogue, chemistry and situations. I had some films in mind to recommend but I have chosen not to as I've disovered that what constitutes chemistry is pretty subjective. I have seen posts on some films that the lead actors had great chemisty and other posts that they had no chemistry.


Latter days. One of the best gay themed films I've ever seen. The acting is superb. The chemistry palpable. The sex scene is neither gratuitous nor is it too tame. The supporting cast are wonderful. There's no nasty homophobic violence. Plus the ending is a happy one which makes for a refreshing change.


I've fairly recently watched two films that you might be interested in. An Isreali film called "Out In The Dark" and a German film called "Free Fall". Especially in the latter movie, the actors have really good chemistry. But they're both not "just" relationship movies. It's all about coming out or not coming out and all the social issues surrounding it (although the circumstances are extremely different in each movie)
Out In The Dark is about a Palestinian student who falls in love with an Israeli lawyer... lots of political/religious/social conflict.
Free Fall is about a married policeman (child on the way) who falls for an openly gay colleague. It's basically "just" a coming-out story, but superbly acted and as I said, the two leads had amazing chemistry.


Agree about "Free Fall", it's pretty good

Also very good and unusual: "Plan B" (2008, in Spanish, from Argentina)..very good and sexy as hell. With good-looking, masculine characters.

For a period drama I recommend very highly "Maurice" (1987)


I agree with you so much. The story in Shelter is more like a fantasy, not reality. It's appealing but not moving. And come on, they look like very good buddies and so not lovers.
Weekend the by far the only movie that made me cry because it's too real. You meet someone at bar, then take him home, have sex and then talk in the morning, feeling an incredible harmony and intimacy between each other but then you have to say goodbye because of all kinds of sh*t in reality. That's what you need to deal with in real life, not those hairy-sexy-hunk-falling-in-love-with-you story.


Check my lists, I have one for full length movies ( ) and one for short movies ( ).... some of these movies are hard to find but my top scorer movies are really worth watching. ENJOY! :)


I guess if I had to recommend two of my favourites of recent times they would be Free Fall and Keep The Lights On. I found these two at FilmDoo but even if you don't fancy watching those they also have a fantastic databse of LGBT films.


Trick is always a good choice.

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