This movie deserves its low rating

It's bad. Acting is subpar, writing is corny and plastic.

LA on my forehead, LV on my clothes


And you're not even mentioning that this movie is cheap propaganda created by a war monger.

Some of you, who don't know the TRUE Angelina Jolie, may be shocked by this statement, but the true facts are that Angeline uses her 'cover' as a humanitarian to go around the world and slander countries and rulers that oppose US interests and use her Hollywood appeal to stoke the war machine propaganda to generate public support for war against one country after another.

This woman is the worst kind of fraud. She is a buzzard/hawk and a buzzsaw in dove clothing.

This movie is truly awful because it was created with the sole purpose to slander one side in this war. Congratulations - you just sat through two hours of propaganda.


This is what "GrammarMatters" actually believes.





NO it does not. It is a quite good and well documented movie. This low rating is caused by Serbs. They do not want to hear about genocide in Srebrenica made by themselves, so they prefer rating it low and write how it is bad.😕


Bad indeed.
