Spider House

That episode was hilarious. When Scott kicked the Shed in and spotted those bees I was crying laughing. The episode was funny from the start, but that scene was the funniest. I would have freaked out way worst than they did.. Spiders,Maggots and Bees. No, Thank You.


I would have freaked out way worst than they did.

Well, that wasn't their first time inside the home. Plus I'm guessing that most of that stuff was placed there for the show, so they knew what to expect. Remember, this isn't real.


The entire episode was hilarious. Yes, reality shows are very staged, but I don't know if those two scenes were staged. They probably were, but the episode is still my favorite one so far. It was funny.

Clark's destiny = Superman, LL & LL.


This episode was just re-run the other day. Oh HELL no, I cannot stand tarantulas. Anything bigger than a daddy long legs is not something I want to see. I was about crawling on the furniture when I saw those on the TV! I felt the same way when they bought the house with the scorpions, snakes, and the lizard in it. I cannot look at scorpions, they freak me out! Fortunately I live in Oregon and the worse snake I have seen is the one Scott found in the backyard when his PM said the workers won't come back because they saw a snake in the back yard. Which got me thinking....they live in such a hot, dry climate, aren't they used to seeing snakes in Las Vegas? I mean yeah, it would make you jump for a second, but if you're used to it, it shouldn't be a big deal I would think. Just some Friday afternoon musings!
