Wouldn't Buy

After watching several shows, I wouldn't buy one of their houses. I'd run screaming the other way. He's cheap.
"Listen, I don't tan, I don't burn, I implode."


In general, I wouldn't buy a flipped house no matter who did it. Most of the time, the flippers only care about the finishes you see. They don't care about the stuff you don't see. The important stuff. Like structural integrity of the house, proper wiring, proper plumbing, permits, etc. I saw a lot of flipped houses when I was looking to buy a house.


How do you know it's flipped? And wouldn't you hire an inspector no matter who owned the house?

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


I would not ever buy a house from them. I would hire her to help design a house but as long as he is no where around. I would be scared it would fall down or have stuff hidden that would fail an inspection.
