MovieChat Forums > The Bay (2012) Discussion > Oh god this looks bad

Oh god this looks bad

Ugh, Y'know, I can see why they make these movies; they're cheap and make alot of money due to them being cheap.

What I don't get is this; why can't they ever make them good? To me, Paranormal Activity 1 was a decent, if not good movie. It took us back to the genre of horror of the unseen, which is not seen that often these days.

This however, again with the jumpscares, the corny dialouge like "release this film, let them know what happened", the awfully perfected editing presumably done by amateurs(in the context of this being real footage) to show us EXACTLY what we want and the very unconvincing "acting"

The premise is interesting in itself, I've often found myself looking around the net for weird and creepy animals that live on the ocean, and those parasite along with that isopod are familiar things, and I thought "hey, this could work!"

But not as a found footage film.



why all the negativity if you havent seen it?
you are missing out if you dont give this a chance. very good flick. Its pretty disturbing because this *beep* could actually happen.


It's utter garbage, as is the science behind it. SO no, and no.


just watched it and its complete crap. i could make a better movie using my iPhone and iMovie lmfao real talk


Real talk son. You are *beep* retarded.


If something like this would actually happen, be filmed and the event was covered up by some shady agency or even the government, there would always be someone leaking the footage, especially in the internet era ("Release this film, let them know what happened"? ;).
How is a fair and logical action like that corny?
If screen writers would write dialogue that had the characters say things that have never been said before in other movies just for the sake of being original, that would be just ridiculous (watch the overrated movie Pontypool to see what i mean).

Even today there are things happening and covered up, just like a few years back when suddenly all over the world thousands of dead birds fell out of the sky and fish died.
That never occured before, but when it happened 3 times in just 2 weeks, we were all told by "experts" on the news that this was "just a natural phenomenon, nothing unusual"(!!!???), and we were all told to let it go and forget about it.
If this was normal to happen, shouldn't it be happening all the time then?

Wouldn't you want to watch the footage the experts shot while investigating this phenomenon? To know what happened?



djblack; I may have to eat my words if you're correct. I'll have a go at it soon.

johnwills3; What makes me ponder whether or not to see a movie is how the trailer is made. If it has alot of clichè's, over-used soundtrack, lame jokes, terrible acting and premis that isn't explained enough, I don't watch it.

psych061; If the situation is something out of the ordinary and rarely seen in the real world, dialogue like that IS corny. Corny meaning "melodramatic" and "overused" and serves no other purpose than to make a line in the trailer.


eI just gone done watching this, got a "copy" from online, anyway,
let me tell you, Ive seen just about every found footage movie
that has been made. so to compare, PA and all its sequels are
Oscar worthy compared to this movie. Its bad, real bad.
whats worse, this is from the guy who gave us "Rain Man"
and "The Natural" for crying out loud...


This is the best and my favorite found footage movie after Cloverfield. It's creepy, disturbing and what makes it work is that it's all based in reality. No made up monsters or ghosts here. Real, true ecological terror.

Found Footage is always going to divide people, but if one can make me feel like it's not fabricated then it has done it's job. The Bay never felt overtly fabricated to me aside from a few very minor horror cliches and the presence of a score.


Have you seen the movie Cannibal Holocaust? No? Yes?

No: Then you haven't seen every found footage ever made and you should probably watch it.

Yes: Then (please don't get offended) your taste of movies is lacking. PA was okay for the fourth in my opinion, but it doesn't deserve an Oscar.

Plus, I don't care about other movies he's made! I'm here to talk about this one. Also, YOU ARE A PIRATE!


I'm glad I did not follow your thought. I watched and enjoyed the film.


You wrote all that and you haven't even seen the movie? Do you do this often?
