MovieChat Forums > The Bay (2012) Discussion > So am I the only one who thinks

So am I the only one who thinks

that the lead actresses voice is horribly annoying...



Agree, really the only thing I disliked about the movie unfortunately she comments through a lot of it.

John 3:16 : Eternal life through Christ only.


I think she's a good actress. She's exactly as annoying and stupid as real reporters. especially the ones on the morning news. I think here performance was intentional and the director hates those morning news idiots as much as I do. I wasn't annoyed. I laughed.


That was the first thing I said to my girlfriend when we started watching it. I honestly think if it hadn't been for that obnoxious wench the movie would have been better overall. Her voice really started to grate on my nerves after awhile.

You obviously don't comprehend the level of insane I operate at.


LOL Look around, genius. Can you not read? Its not you...literally EVERY OTHER PERSON (that I've seen) that's commented on her has thought she was annoying, too. Except me. I'm the only one (that I've seen) who's stood up for her. So screw you guys. Here's a tip, people: If you want to look brave and take a stand on something - pick something that it seems hardly anyone or no one else agrees with. Not something almost everyone else agrees with. Otherwise you just look like a conformist tool pandering to the masses and seeking approval. As was stated in another movie: "Taking a stand isn't easy. It has to hurt." I should know.

So yeah, I thought the lead female actress and character were fine. She was the most likeable character in the whole movie for me. At least she seemed real and like she had a heart. Since she had sympathy and expressed remorse for the victims and the tragedy instead of just staying cool and detached like most reporters would. People who act like they have their sh*t all together and have it all figured out, but people/characters like that just seem fake to me. She was unsure of herself and in over her head at her job, which I related to and found endearing. I guess I’m just different and find endearing (and relate to) what “normal” people find annoying, whiny, and unlikeable lol Different strokes. So I guess characters like that aren't for everyone, but yeah, she just seemed "real" and flawed to me and I appreciated that. Apparently I'm the only one? ::shrug::

So I have to disagree with the harsh judgment of her character. Just really tired of people acting like hardasses and all the Social Darwinism and judging of flawed (especially socially flawed) characters/people on here and on the net as a whole. Seeing others as "weak". Its like "ok, you're tough and 100% self reliant, we get it." But if you're so awesome, what do you gain from tearing "weak" people down? Do you feel more like a man/woman/grown-up? Just makes you less awesome. So I don't know if its just because they're easy targets (might as well punch a puppy lol) and usually don't fight back or what, but its not cool and really needs to stop. I know everyone’s entitled to their opinion, but its just ridiculous I’m made to feel like the only person who feels this way and makes me feel like I’m losing my mind. Ridiculous I'm usually the only one who sticks up for these characters. Doesn't do much for my faith in humanity.

So yeah...screw you guys lol And if I sound harsh and if you're wondering why I care so much, other than because I have empathy/a heart, its because both myself and my loved ones have been judged by people like you my whole life for the same things you're judging her on and I'm really tired of it. I'm a good person and I deserve better than to be sh*t on by pretentious, judgmental a_ssholes and I shouldn't have to change who I am and become like you either, just to fit in and be accepted. Screw that. Did a whole rant about it in another topic I just created :-)

"That's the theme of my movies: The victory of the battered idealist in a cynical world."


Really? Didn't even notice. People sure like to pick stuff apart. I like movies :)

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!
