Good film but......

bad CGI and predictable ending.But it was very well acted.7/10


The alien CGI wasn't bad considering the film's low budget. The attacking ships at the end looked like something from a 50s B movie, though. Poor considering that Wang's ship was quite cool!


you watched it too on film4?

I agree the cgi was ok


I thought 'Wang' himself was pretty cool until you saw his stumpy little legs. Definitely more than adequate as a special effect, though.

What exactly did that device of his do, though? Aside from vaporising those Typhoons, I mean.



Yes film4 has good little known films on it.


It was pretty well acted. Gaia was pretty a pretty in depth character. Edgy, nervous and doubtful but yet stubborn, fearless and caring. Quite ironic that her name is Gaia considering she is the mythological mother of the gods and earth...where in this film she inevitably is the destruction of Earth!


She should have been playing for the Azzurri considering the ease with which she took out that Secret Service guard! He must have been at least 80lbs heavier than her!
