
What is the meaning of Dior? We see it at the beginning and in the end titles the letters always form the word, Dior. Also was the room number a lost reference?


i think it's the name of the handbag. it's basically an ad campaign for that one hand bag. if you go to the website you can learn more about it

were you listening? or were you looking at the women in the red dress?...


yea, Dior is high end fashion company. Its basically a really long commercial. I know Lynch has done stuff for Gucci before...


you thought it had a deep meaning, lol! ;D



I'm surprised Christian Dior let him get away with that. That was terrible!

Lynch really has just given up hasn't he?

It's just as bad a British short film (ie. Bad acting, no cinematography all made by a person with more ego than talent).

I mean his last decent thing was Rabbits. That was actually Lynchian. The rest, he's just let it all go to hell. People are too polite to say that Inland Empire was a pile of drivel which also lacks the signature Lynchian style. He needs to quit the crack or the meditation because he's clearly let it all go to his head.


Inland Definitely had the signature Lynchian style... It was actually more similar to Eraserhead in style than all of his previous films... I perfectly understand disliking it (I loved it, however) but I don't think it's fair to say it wasn't Lynchian.

Jack White killed a man with his bare hands.... While singing and playing guitar.


inland empire is his most lynchian movie, i don't see how anyone can disagree


You call Rabbits Lynchian, but say Inland Empire lacks the signature Lynchian style? How does that work? Heck, part of Rabbits was in Inland Empire.
