MovieChat Forums > 11-11-11 (2011) Discussion > Things I learned about the world from wa...

Things I learned about the world from watching 11-11-11

1. Just because you grew up in Spain, and were clearly there as a young man, you do not absorb anything about it and therefore cannot write or speak the language.

2. Local people in Spain (apart from the nurse) look exactly like North Americans and in no way look European.

3. When your father is on his deathbed neither you nor your brother spend ANY time with him.

4. Despite being in a wheelchair a man can have no lower body degeneration and can live in a normal house with high bookcases and have no problem with everyday living.

5. Flights from America are so quick that there's none of that Customs nonesense so you can flit between the US and Spain in a matter of hours.

6. Despite starting promisingly a film can jump the shark in the last 5 minutes.


7. Demons love to pose for the camera.

8. Don't trust your brother, especially if he's a priest in a wheelchair.

9. If you notice someone noticing the same demon as you, don't attempt to talk to them. Just wait for them to pull a gun on you.

10. Midway is not just a pinball manufacturer.


11. Christians are unable to talk about anything but their faith.

12. Atheists are unable to talk about anything but their lack of faith.


LOL. this cracked me up.

How come signatures aren't cursive anymore


13. Demons are actually Angels.

14. If you see some ghost with ugly face then is probably an Angel trying to make contact with you.

15. If you see something related to 11:11 then you are activated...

Sorry for my bad English


Well actually Demons are fallen Angels, just like their Lord.


16. Having directed "Mother's Day" doesn't prevent you from directing also this.


17. Demons are highly melodramatic. If they'd stopped mucking about, waving their arms and speaking in tongues and just got on with the stabbing, the job would have been done and everyone could have gone home and had a nice cup of tea.

18. Demons have wings like that Denis Egel dude from Britain's Got Talent - two bits of bin liner on a shoddy frame that look a bit crap, to be honest.

19. Michael Landes can make a polo neck look really saucy.

20. A scientist somewhere has managed to clone Keira Knightley.

21. You can be at death's door yet remarkably spry and unbelievably creepy - certainly enough to scare your eldest son at every given opportunity.

22. Your father is dying, you are plagued by visions/demons, a mad-man wants to kill you, time is a-ticking towards an apocalyptic event, some strange bird you barely know turns up and hey, suddenly it's a great day to go sight-seeing!

23. You've been shot, you've lost a ton of blood, your first thought isn't to call the paramedics on your mobile phone but to call a strange British girl and give her dodgy directions to the only shop in Barcelona that develops photos.

It's too cerebral! We're trying to make a movie here, not a film!


24. Always take it for granted that a women you don't really know will follow you where ever you go and run errands for you.

25. Never show fear when an upset person points a gun at you and always chase him.

26. Never call the police yourself but always tell others to and never check to see if they did or not.

27. Never be afraid of demons who suddenly appear before you just keep doing what you were doing.

28. Never ask yourself why your brother doesn't want to leave a house full of demons.

29. If you see a little kid stare at you before something bad happens forget about it.

30. Most people can disappear without a sound if you take your eyes off them for a few seconds.


31. It's o.k. to be an alcoholic as long as you realize that most AA groups have forgotten that even Jesus indulged every now and again.

32. Best way to avoid repercussions after being caught reading someones dairy, is to pretend that it's not private but rather a book that you can't decipherer.

33. You don't need a cathedral to worship the lord, just a building that is suppose to represent the lords temple (and size doesn't matter).

34. That if your brother asked you to come to his sermon, you can escape the invite by explaining that you don't do cathedrals or basements chapels and then laughing very crudely about it.

35. When in doubt use constant zooming in camera tactics.


34. That if your brother asked you to come to his sermon, you can escape the invite by explaining that you don't do cathedrals or basements chapels and then laughing very crudely about it.

But then he'll send his scary maid who will physically drag you there anyway.
