Cause if the creators of this movie weren’t of that faith this surely would not have been made and if it was, it surely would not have been given worldwide distribution. The biggest problem with this film is simple; the movie is essentially another Project X/The Hangover. Admittedly when done correctly, those films can be funny… as long as they are kept refreshing and original, but seeing as this is coming fresh off the back of those films; the concept is most certainly far from innovative.

Everything inside of its relatively short running time feels recycled. There’s simply nothing original whatsoever. As a result of this, the film ends up being unfunny and the characters are extremely unlikeable. I have to admit, I found myself wishing for their arrest as that would spare me from having to endure anymore of this pointless, unoriginal trash.

Admittedly the film does have a couple of laughs, but by a couple, I literally mean two. Aside from maybe a couple of jokes that were already present in the trailer, I honestly can’t see many people in hysterics at this one.

In all fairness’s the performances are decent. The cast do try their best with the content that they are provided with, but it simply doesn’t work. Like I said their characters are unlikeable and the film becomes this pointless exercise in going from one place to another, with each act becoming even more ridiculous, yet unsurprisingly worse. That being said, although I cited the characters as being unlikeable, I will admit this. Although Teller and Astin are very annoying I really liked Justin Chon’s performance in this film. I thought he done a solid job, but I just feel that his character was somewhat underdeveloped, due to him mainly spending three quarters of the movie heavily intoxicated.

If you like generic party movies then you’re in for a treat, as 21 & Over fits the description perfectly. It’s pointless; it’s dull and has virtually nothing going its way. If you’re looking for a good time, I’d probably go elsewhere.


Oh look. Conspiracy theorist.


conspiracy motives aside, the observation of the majority/abundance of persons of Jewish descent in hollyweird is empirical. this is actually documented publically as a success story. respectfully, find your own citations.


That's a 100% fact.




well get your own studio etc etc and make your own company

you fault for them for that

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA
