Let's be honest people

If the leads in this film were reversed to a black guy and a white girl, it would probably get boycotted.


With good reason.


And what reason is that?


The insecurity of the poster is the good reason, dude. You should know that.

But you are right. When it comes to mainstream Hollywood films there is a one-sided presentation of black and white romantic relationships that goes directly against actual numbers in the real world (of America) at least. This taboo has vexed America for centuries.


What are you talking about? The youth are fine with the reverse. Was Save The Last Dance boycotted? Hollywood films portray the reverse just as infrequently as they do the black girl + white boy pairing.

I met Cinderella once... she's actually kind of a bitch.


Kinda. Cameron Diaz was supposed to play Will Smith's love interest in Hitch, but he said there would be a lot of backlash, so they recast her. Also, many white women are criticized for dating black men as having low self esteem, rebelling against their parents, or she's fat and ugly so no white man would want her anyway. With insecure people, there always has to be an ulterior motive as to why a white woman would date a black man. They can't just like them for who they are, racists need to examine her and make up some kind of shallow reason.

There are some black women who also would complain that white girls are "stealing all of their men" as if they have an entitlement to them just because they share the same skin color. But, when the situation is reversed and it's WM with BW, the same black women have no problem with it.

I think everyone should be able to date whoever they want, no matter what color, sex, or religion they are. I'm just saying. If Thor got so much crap for Heimdall being played by a black man, how do you think people would react over seeing a black man and a white woman in a semi-romance film?



"I realize that there are still racist people in the world, but the only movie example that you can think of is Hitch. Speaking of Will Smith movies that start with H, Charlize Theron played Will Smith's love interest in Hancock, and I don't recall any uproar."

I would say that's hardly an apt comparison. There was no hugging, kissing or any type of physical intimate contact between the two as lovers or potential lovers, due to the plot twist I won't give away here.



It's sort of the same for black girl/white guy relationships since a lot of people say the white guy is dating her to own her, equivalent to owning a slave for sex mostly.

The other way, black guy and white girl equates to white girl is dating a rapist.

This form of thinking seems to be sympathetic with the girl in both scenario's since in each scenario it's the girl who's the victim, even in this day and age black men are perceived as rapists, and white men are perceived as slave owners in interracial relationships.

Haley Reinhart: Actually had a Moment in Season 10


Cameron Diaz is half Cuban


Well, the term "Jungle Fever" is used as an insult to any non blacks who start dating a black person. The name of the film itself is "Jungle Fever" so the way I see it, it was made pretty much expecting backlash, and because of that, it didn't. If a film's interracial relationship between a black person and a white person is the crux of the film, it mostly goes by unnoticed, since controversy is what the film's about anyway, but if it was subtly added in for the sake of realism in a film that has nothing to do with romance, everyone would be talking about it. You don't notice it that much, because a lot of filmmakers avoid it.




It looks amazing. Why all the hate?


"boycott"? this aint the 1950s...ive seen films with that and it wasnt banned or anything. Holes is one and it's a Disney movie.


Did you hear about all the outburst "Thor" was getting just because one of the Gods was portrayed by a black man?



She's both but I get it.

"Sometimes, a girl needs a half." Sex and The City


I'm writing a script right now with a Black male/ white female couple. Wish more people were open minded. Date who you want.

"Sometimes, a girl needs a half." Sex and The City


Exactly. That's what I'm saying. I'm more than supportive of interracial relationships. I'm just talking about what would realistically happen. Some people's heads still live in the 50's, and would want to avoid this film because of the equality that's being promoted in it.



Jews have nothing to do with this conversation. You are one paranoid individual.



You're the one who needs to wake up, sir.



Jews are very mixed nowadays, with close to half marrying non-Jews, so you're wrong about this.


You might be right but the bigger issue here is; could they have cast two uglier kids than these two??


I actually find the girl lead pretty attractive.


KeKe Palmer is gorgeous, a young Angela Bassett. She even played her daughter in Akeelah and the Bee.

"Sometimes, a girl needs a half." Sex and The City


Guess you missed Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. Like, what 50 years ago?

In terms of Will Smith - there's always Hancock as a rebuttal to your other example. And...the Thor controversy didn't have anything to do with interracial romance. People didn't like the idea of a Norse God being black. And people get annoyed when existing characters aren't the race shown previously. I mean, I got annoyed at the X-Men live action series where they had Storm as a white woman.

I'm not saying that there wasn't some racism behind some of the opposition to Idris in Thor - but it was driven by the fact that many white supremacists look at the Scandinavian background/culture/people (Iceland/Sweden/Norway) as the ultimate pure-blood ideal. These were people who had an actual interest in seeing that movie and thus were in the position to boycott it.

White woman-black male isn't anything unusual, although you may not see it with the biggest name black movie stars like Denzel and Will Smith. What is relatively unusual and even somewhat taboo (in terms of interracial relationships) both in the movies and in real-world America is black woman-white male. So, in closing I think you're reaching with your argument when it comes to this movie. People who are offended by interracial dating in general will boycott this movie as it is just as quickly as they would boycott the movie if the roles were reversed. That's assuming that they would have been interested at all in seeing this religious-themed romantic comedy. This is a chick movie.

In fact, I would go further to say that although maybe white men (and black women) would avoid a movie with a black male/white woman - it is literally the flip side of the same coin in that BLACK men will absolutely avoid this movie with a white male/black woman, and maybe some white women might as well. There may not be a loud controversy about it, but that is definitely the case.



Storm was portrayed by Halle Berry. Last time I checked, she's black and white.

Also, people can't get THAT annoyed when characters are played by different races as along as they're white. Like The Last Airbender, Dragonball Evolution, and the upcoming Akita. All of the leads were portrayed by white actors, even in the original shows, they were all asian.



Halle Berry is biracial. Most everyone in America is "mixed" BTW.



This made me laugh. And if we are wanting people to be honest then I must admit that if Halle Berry "mugged" me I would tell the cops that one of the most gorgeous women I have ever seen just "mugged" me! Heck, if Halle was a mugger she would have people lined up waiting to be "mugged" by her.



@shaun I said live action series, not the movie. The woman was white.

And people were up in arms about The Last Airbender. Ever check out their message boards over there?


I actually never saw a live action series for X-Men. Are you sure?


For a second, you almost had me doubting it myself. But I remember vividly a hating session about the show a girlfriend and I had.

And so, after a little bit of digging I found it. Storm isn't even listed on there as a character...!



I haven't seen it that recently, but I don't think Storm is in it. I think you might be thinking of Jubilee being played by a white actress.


Why are black females such *beep* liars when the evidence proves otherwise to them, seriously." Its the same rhetoric lie that white women-black men couples are more excepted in america, when its false. I could name an ample amount of movies where white men and black female couples are depicted. Black females have went to the media to bash black men, and in return are told by the media to be with white men, because black men were not on their level, hmm" that doesn't sound taboo. Whats taboo is white women being with black men not the other way around, so keep lying to yourself.


@PHenomenalDiva - Where do you live? What ample movies are you talking about? Name them.

But seriously, I mean movies are one thing, but as far as real life there are even studies about interracial dating where they show that the majority of interracial relationships and marriages in America occur between white men and asian women, and black men and white women. Because there are so many more whites in the U.S. population as compared to blacks and asians - asian men and black women could eventually find a serious lack of availability of members of the opposite sex in their racial background.

It's a fact, honey! Anyone who looks around and doesn't live in a little town in the middle of nowhere can see evidence of this with their own eyes. Not sure what your rant is based on but definitely not facts.

In Ohio there are tons and tons of biracial kids, and their fathers are black NOT white. In DC I do occasionally see a black woman with a white man which I never saw in other areas where I've lived. I am a black woman and I was in an relationship with a white guy - and when we were in public together people would do triple takes and stare(and this is in DC). The kind of triple takes that I got traveling in the middle of Texas and Missouri where there were no blacks to be found. You know - sticking out like a sore thumb.

Guess who were the rudest about it? Black men and white women.
And I would imagine that a black man/white woman couple probably does get some negativity from black women and white men, but that doesn't mean that it's not one of the most common interracial things you see.

I must admit, I have seriously stared at the following:
1. A black man and an Asian woman. I think part of it was also that she was much older than he was.
2. A very dark skinned black woman and a bright red-haired very fair lumberjack-looking white guy. Odd couple!

My 2 cents - I think you're a white girl who likes black guys and have gotten some flack from black chicks. I think black women probably wouldn't be so peeved/vocal about it if it wasn't so common (particularly with financially successful black men, but actually across all levels). But I can't speak for everyone. :-)

One last thing, when I was in that interracial relationship, two of the worst experiences I had were with a group of middle eastern men. They were looking at us (at me) with sheer disgust, like they just couldn't believe it. But it almost seemed like they couldn't believe that I was with HIM, not the other way around.

The second was a black girl driving past us in a parking lot. I got so pissed off I was seriously about to say something to her. From a distance I just knew someone was staring and had a problem, but when we got closer I couldn't believe it! When I saw that she was black, it was all she wrote. She apparently couldn't get over the fact that HE was with ME.

People always project when you're in that situation, you're a symbol of something to them and they don't mind letting you know it. I honestly don't think that interracial relationships are the way to go. Dating, love, and marriage are already complex enough. It's like limiting your chances for success even more...


More lies. If interracial dating between white men and black females is taboo than why does the media promote and encourage it. There are so many racist stereotypes against black men & white women couples because its taboo.

Black female & white men couple movies:
Something new
Guess who
Jungle fever
The family that preys
Death at a funeral(remake)
Lakeview terrace



Thats so sweet of you honey, you wrote me a poem. I like this better than all the other I'm a victim because I'm a black woman post. I don't quite understand this poem, why mention Christina Aguilera.


I'm glad you love it. It's totally you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=na3HwfWi7RM. You don't get it, but that's OK. It's like Cypher said in The Matrix: "Ignorance is Bliss".

And you need to stand corrected - you're the one with the victim complex [re: your first post]. Poor you!

I must say, though, you are one of the bigger hypocrites I've come across. First you tell me I'm playing victim just because of my race, yet your whole argument is about the horror of being somehow persecuted in the eyes of society just because of your MAN's race? What. Ever.

Guess what, I know the truth. Just because you're in an interracial relationship doesn't mean you're not a GD racist on some level yourself. Like I said, HYPOCRITE! Just keep on lying to yourself.


First of all what the *beep* are you talking about, your making all these accusations about me you sound racist." How do you no my mans race or my race for that matter, as if its any of your damn business. I never said I was a white woman you did, so get real.


You know you are.


You know you are funny like a clown rite, because I can't take your trolling comments seriously LOL. You said that Black women & white men couples are a taboo those were your words. If its such a taboo for black women and white men to be together, than why is there a childrens film called the princess and the frog. If you'd bothered to look up the definition of taboo," you would have known that something taboo would never be shown to children.


PhenomenalDiva, When you write sentences like: "...that white women-black men couples are more excepted in america, when its false" you are embarrassing yourself and your race. 'excepted'? Really? Wow.


Go *beep* yourself.
