
This show bothers me. My son loves it but it's extremely male-centric. The two female crew members are rarely used for the main plot. The female mechanic acts like a boy anyway. I'd guess about 90% of the guest characters are male and when they're female they're either super helpless female 'save my baby' types or they're boyish like Tweak. It's a visually lovely cartoon, I just don't see why the creators thought, "Oh let's add two female characters and make one a pointless token and the other a tomboy mechanic, and have the majority of supporting and guest characters be male". It kind of makes me disgusted. I know it's just a silly baby cartoon but this is affecting their outlooks and it bugs me that they will be expecting females to be nothing but tokens. What is so hard about making it equal?

It's also annoying that all the characters have 'white accents'


About a South African accent or Brazilian or Native or Chinese, once in a while. Instead it's all British Scottish Irish and American. Meh


My daughter loves it too, but the girl characters are as an engineer and w


Oops hit the return button! Tweak bunny is an engineer and dashi controls the Octo pod. I think the do have important roles to play.they design and make new gups, and drive the machinery. Also in one of the episodes, I think Mariana trench, dashi and Shillington are doing some oceanic research. Re accents, dashi has an Australian or new Zealand accent anyway! Think it's a great programme for young children.
