Movie vs. Book

I just finished watching the movie & loved it. However, I was disappointed that the entire storyline was removed about Neil befriending the Japanese soldier while they were dying. I was especially disappointed that the ending in the movie wasn't as dramatic as in the book. In the book she ran to him & there was dialogue; you got to thoroughly share & enjoy their heavenly reunion as opposed to the subtle ending that we got in the movie. But, overall, it was a great movie. I suggest those who enjoyed the movie read the book. I am very interested to hear how others who have read the book feel.


I've not read the book, but would like to very much. My mother and I argued over if she had died or not. I said she did, she was being called home by the song. My mother said no. Thanks for clearing it up :)

Betty White is amazing.


yeah I kinda figured it was a "Titanic" ending but wasn't quite sure.

was a nice movie. I haven't read the book but theres always more story and details in the books.

it was nice seeing Betty in a drama. Some of the lines she gets in Cleveland are corny and make her look confused or unsure of herself.
Seeing her in a well written drama shows she really is still a great actress.
