flag error

I loved this movie! Betty White was perfect for the role, did an outstanding job, and I agree with another poster who said she should receive an Emmy. So please don't think this is a deal-breaker mistake for me.

Did anyone notice in the WW2 scene of a metal drive and Victory Gardens that the small US flags seemed to have 50 stars and not 48 as was historically correct? The flag at the end had 48 stars (won't give away any of the ending) which could be correct in the scene. The mistakes, though, don't take anything away from a wonderful movie. Only thing was - I should have had a whole box of Kleenex next to me, not just my pj sleeve.


I'd have to watch it again to be absolutely sure, but at the end I could have sworn they used two flags. Initially, the flag was a 48-star variety. You can tell because the stars were laid out in even columns and rows. In the same scene but from a different camera angle it was a 50-star flag because now the stars were offset. I'm guessing it was a continuity error.


Yes, I noticed it, I had my eye on the stars in the union every time a flag was shown to see if they had the correct one during the two time periods.

I noticed it during 'The Pacific' too, a cake with the flag on it in icing was presented to a character and it was wrong also, but I guess they production crew wasn't too worried, as it was just a cake.

Fight the FOCA


You are absolutely correct with the 50 star small flag; not only in the scrap metal wagon, and the cake, but also the picture that Betty looks at in the train station. The large flag used in the "return" scene is the correct 48 star "Old Glory".
