Genius or crazy person?

I'm going for crazy person. Also, his family situation gives of a pretty weird vibe.


That's the thing I missed about this documentary as it didn't go into this or let other people tell something about him. It became very obvious that he's all about his image. If you read up on him on Wikipedia you can see that a lot of his claims are not true. He probably has some valid inventions that work, but without any reference or proof of real implementation of things like his waterpowered bike it's hard to form a good opinion about him.

I too got that weird vibe from the shots with his family. Things like them having to approach him again on his birthday or his daughter shying away from him in the shop were very weird.

My opinion about the movies i watch:


His daughter sure did react strangely to his approaching her. Almost like he was a dirty old man or something.
