Could have been better

I've always thought Joan Rivers was pretty funny. However, in the last few years she seems to be missing the boat. I don't laugh as much. This new reality show I am watching hoping to get some good laughs but she's bombing quite a bit. And, it's pretty hard not to realize that in some way this show is staged. Not dishonestly, but obvious situations in order to have a premise. The sexy nanny is one. Getting rid of all of Melissa's furniture is another. The Girls Gone Wild offer another. They throw this stuff in for funny situations but it really doesn't work.

Let's have a real reality show between them. Honest to goodness straight filming, nothing prepped in advance and see what really goes on between these two 24 hours a day. It's either zilch because they're boring or a lot of intense drama by what the two really feel towards each other.


I still think she is pretty funny....the show with her car shopping and then spreading her friend's ashes, I thought, was very funny. That blurred out guy at Judy Garland's house was super pissed! However, scenes w Melissa by herself (learning to cook/break family curse), not so much.
I agree w the set up scenes...GGW, the furniture, etc, are too forced but most of Joan's scenes seem real, heartfelt and most important, funny (I mean, she made me laugh!)


The only thing I feel sure is staged is Dominica. No one could be that much of a bubble-head. She never does anything nannylike. Melissa says how much Cooper loves her but they never spend any time together. All she does is flaunt her boobs and water plants. She just couldn't be a real person. I think they hired her to "play" the nanny to throw in some humor and create a bone of contention between Joan and Melissa. I'm not sure how much else is scripted but I forgive it. I'm enjoying the show more than I thought I would.

"We're "us". You're "them". We don't help "thems". Sorry. --Paige


Everything on television is staged and this latest umpteenth "reality" show is no different.

That said, I would have MUCH rather seen Joan star in a sit-com over this unwatchable trash....And WITHOUT Melissa!


I'm not really too much into the reality show genre which is why I initially wasn't going to watch it until the previews drew me in. I'm not a big fan of sitcoms though either. I haven't watched a sitcom in years. They feel too formulaic most of the time, imo.

"We're "us". You're "them". We don't help "thems". Sorry. --Paige
