I Feel Sorry for Melissa

Putting aside that this whole thing is somewhat scripted, I'm looking at it as another show and looking at these people as characters in a dramedy.

I can't help but feel bad for Melissa. Joan is an abusive, arrogant, control freak with no consideration for anybody else's feelings.

I can't find any redeeming qualities in Joan whatsoever. Sure she's sometimes funny, but more often than not its at the expense of another person. Sure she compliments Melissa, but then after the compliment she stabs her. "I think you're doing a wonderful job with Connor but I think you can do better and this is how". What makes Joan think she's a better parent?

I've never liked Melissa (Celebrity Apprentice), but with Joan as a mother I can be more forgiving. Melissa deserves an award for putting up with this kind of abusive crap that Joan heaps on her. Frankly I think she should cut her mother out of her life - but then she probably wouldn't have a job.

And then when people call Joan on her behavior she acts like a victim instead of owning up to it and apologizing sincerely.

Joan is interested in celebrities, pseudo celebrities (really putting on a high tea for Perez Hilton?) and making money any which way she can. Family and people are not important to her unless they can get her somewhere.
