Have you seen Narc?

Because this movie rips off its plot and major details. TOTAL ripoff. Joe Carnahan should be suing these people.

though, it's a fairly cliched story anyway. MoTown and Liotta go a long way to making the similarities stand out....


yes there were some similarities from narc including the fact that ray liotta was in both but hey doesnt everybody rip ideas off each other these days. street kings 2 had a fairly decent plot with some action in between to keep us entertained though i have to admit the bent cops plot has been done to death but as long as the makers of the film give us a good story then thats all the maters when it comes to films like this.


the scene where the junior cop questions the widow, complete with Liotta dressing him down for it.


a poor attempt at recreating NARC.

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...
