Great Film

Caught up to the final TIFF screening of Lovely Molly today and I thought it was Great. It had a strong sense of dread that progressively got more and more foreboding. The tone and atmosphere were both top notch. It was a little rough around the edges with some of the acting but overall the actors did a very good job, Especially the girl who played Molly. This film had so many scenes were I feared what was around the next corner that I couldn't deny it's impact. Mix that with a layered subtext and you have a film that you have to appreciated IMO. Out of the three horror films I have seen so far (Livid and Your Next being the other two), this was easily the best and the best thing either of the Blair Witch Project Directors have done since.




ipso facto
it frequently gets
too -weird- for me
RIP HST 1937..2005


Definitely a layered subtext to Lovely Molly.Fantastic film though, and is definitely a grower. Granted I only watched it a few hours ago but the more I think about it the more I love it.

I will say though that it is not a horror as advertised in the trailer, there are some scary moments in the first half but beyond that there aren't many jumps. But Lovely Molly is a weird, strange and 'beautiful in a backwards kind of way' film. Gretchen Lodge gives a great performance (bar one scene at her work) and the supporting cast give good performances too. Not what I was expecting but pleasantly surprised and probably happier for it.


Somebody must've been drunk, this was a terrible movie. Not one likable character, not to mention all of them were dumber than dirt. there was no logic to this movie whatsoever, in reality this movie would have ended half way through.
And pick a style and stick to it, for that matter pick a genre or sub-genre and stick with it. it's like while writing the writer changed his mind about what the movie was and didn't bother changing anything before it.

I liked everything else Eduardo Sánchez has done, but this just half assed cliched crap. How many more she was raped/molested and returned to the house only to be haunted or tormented movies do we need? 1 and this wasn't it.


i am drunk you r on crack
stfu and go watch some b movies craps i couldnt give a fck about your opinion of the movie...u think your above all with your stupid comment ?
think again nap.

anw back to topic jsut saw the movie and it was great
epic performance especialy molly's
atmosphere top notch
the sound was incredible.

as for you big boss or should i say mini boss dont even try for a comeback cause i wont bother reading and sec u got served kkthxbb.


If you don't care about his opinion gort what makes you think anyone cares about yours?
I happen to agree that this movie was not good, if you consider this to have epic performances then you need to watch more movies of substance.

and lest I forget...
as for you, dont even try for a comeback cause i wont bother reading and sec u got served kkthxbb.

I laugh in the face of danger, then I hide until it goes away.



It was great, I agree. It blended a little bit of Paranormal Activity with The Entity and a little touch of BWP. Quality flick.

Molly was great. One of the best horror films I've seen this year (hasn't been many good ones)
