
I hate it when excellent indie horror totally screws it up in the last ten minutes. I was absolutely engaged in and enjoying this movie until Molly walked into the arms of some skinny dude wearing a huge Wile E Coyote head. Seriously? I was ready to call this my second favorite horror movie of 2012, but that totally took me out of it. God, I wish that that small bit had been done differently.

Other than that, excellent film.


Totally different for me. I thought that shot was so creepy and well done! I probably wouldn't have enjoyed the movie as much as I did if it wasn't for that.

"Cinema is everything to me. I live and breathe films -- I even eat them!"
- Lucio Fulci


Agreed! That part (along with the sister at the very end) sealed the deal for me.




wandering-amiss, just curious, what was your first favorite movie of 2012?
