MovieChat Forums > Lovely Molly (2012) Discussion > My interpretation......S poilers...

My interpretation......S poilers...

I just watched this movie and I have been trying to analyze the whole thing. Keep in mind I haven't read any other interpretations on this board.

The night the alarm went off was the night when this demon entered the house. If you recall the cop said that he had been up there years ago and he knew the father. I am assuming that the same thing happened to the father.

This demon began to slowly possess Molly and was telling her what to do. This is what triggered her past and her recollection of what her father used to do to her. Now I don't think that Molly's father was a bad guy, I think that he beat and raped Molly because of the demon.

When Molly opened the closet door, that was when she was taken.

Molly then began to do the bidding of this demon and she was losing site of reality. This demon had the face of a deer like horse and this was why Molly carried in the dead deer. I think she wanted to escape but she couldn't.

When Molly killed the Pastor, the child, and her husband, her work was done and she embraced the demon. I think like her father she then became part of the demon.

When Molly's sister found the album at the end, Molly had put the face of the demon on her father. She knew that her father was possessed by the demon.

Molly' sister opened the closet and it was now her turn.

I could be way off, but that's the way I saw it!!


When Molly's sister found the album at the end, Molly had put the face of the demon on her father. She knew that her father was possessed by the demon.

Good catch! I didn't get that before, but now that you say that it makes total sense!

Snag it, bag it, tag it!


You're right on target. I thought the movie was excellent and very distrubing. The plot is great, you just have to notice the clues: they all lead to a horrifying conclusion about what happened. I kept thinking about this movie all day. It gets under the skin, which is something that doesn't happen often.

Those who don't like the movie either like slasher flicks or didn't figure out the plot (which isn't that hard to do if you pay attention and the added features of the DVD help with this too).

Molly was haunted by a demon, which had possessed her father and caused him to kill people and eventually molest Molly. Molly's sister killed the dad with a screwdriver to the back of the head and Molly went crazy and started doing drugs.

When the movie picks up, Molly is clean and just married. She moves back to the old family home (which has been the site of satanic worship, see DVD extras). The demon takes the form of her father and only Molly can see it. There's one part of the movie where she's talking to it and she says, "I know what you are.", so she realizes that the demon isn't really her dad, but only appears to be him.

The demon eventually possesses Molly, like it did her dad. We know for sure that dad was possessed by the demon by what Molly said and because the demon kind of has a horse-shaped face, and Molly takes an old photo album and replaces the face of her father with the face of a horse (signifying the dad was possessed).

Molly goes from being haunted by the demon to finally being possessed by it. She kills hubby and pastor and hubby's mistress's daughter before disappearing into the arms of the demon. We know that Molly isn't "just" crazy because we see the demon near the end. This thing has a history of possessing people and the extras of the DVD show this.

After Molly disappears, the sister goes back to the home, which is now empty. She finds the photo album with the horse-headed dad on the floor. There are creaking sounds in the closet, and she opens it the same way Molly did at the film's beginning. She then hears whispers and responds in the same way Molly did (by stretching out her arm). This signifies the demon has chosen to haunt and possess her, and the whole cycle is beginning over again. I would imagine the demon will kill the sister's son, as Molly tells her earlier that the "thing" would try to kill her son if Molly went to stay with her sister after she first attacked Tim.

This is the sort of movie that just is creepy as all hell. I loved it and will probably want to see it again soon.


Depending how you take the film as well, if she had actually gone insane she may have killed the daughter to symbolize her childhood


What about people who don't like slasher flicks, understand the oversimplistic plot, and still recognize that this movie is a piece of crap?


Hi, Town. I agree also with your interpretation and appreciate you sharing what was on the dvd extras. I was wondering what the significance was of the area under the storage building (that looked like a barn). I think every time Molly was humming she was possessed and she went under floor in the barn close to the beginning when she first became possessed.The imagery was not really satanic looking to me, it kind of looked celtic (although I have no idea). So the whole time I had it in my head that it was a celtic demon and that the symbols were very old.
Do you know from the extras what they represented? Were they satanic symbols?


so was the husband having an affair with the neighbor ???


I basically agree with your interpretation. One thing I interpreted, which I haven't seen anyone else mention (although, admittedly, I haven't read all of the comments, etc.), is that the "demon" was a

My grandmother was Native American, and as kids, we always loved to hear the legends of the Wendigo from her. I saw the creature at the end, and that was my immediate first thought...the woods being such a focus, and Molly biting those she attacked seem to fit, as well. There is even a psychological disorder (fear of becoming cannibalistic) named after the Wendigo legend.

Just my thoughts.

