MovieChat Forums > Lovely Molly (2012) Discussion > What happens to Molly....Spoilers

What happens to Molly....Spoilers

in the end?


Presumably we are left to believe she gets lost in her own insanity/demon possession. I don't think it means that it was her literally going to hell as some have said.


My thoughts are that she crossed over into her full madness at this point. When she goes into the arms of the beast she was completely insane. I don't think at any time was there any demon possession.


if it's not possession then the last scene of Molly's sister makes no sense because she is clearly drawn into a trance or something in the same room where it all started with Molly.


I thought that was the room that father abused them and that was the closet they hid in.


That was my thought too. They were both traumatized in that room. One was molested and the other murdered their father. The first thing molly hears in the closet is herself crying from when she was hiding in there as a child.

"The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind" - Lovecraft


I think it's her getting completely possessed by that demon. She wasn't fixable anymore after that. Lord only knows what else she went to do after that.

Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son...


I'm confused. I thought Molly said in the movie that they both felt safe in that room. Why would they feel safe there if that's where they were being molested?


Yeah I said that wrong. That's the room they hid in after being molested. When Molly first goes to that closet, we hear someone inside crying and she reaches out to them. Most likely, it is her in the closet (as a little girl) crying and she's reaching out to herself. The same with the sister. No actual demon, just ther result of a horrible childhood trauma.

"The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind" - Lovecraft


I agree - no possession

this reminds me a lot of

David Lynch's "Twin Peaks - Fire Walk With Me"

Spoilers for Twin Peaks !!

Please do not read if you plan to watch the movie or the series!!

Remember when Leland was supposed to be possessed? That's why he would rape his own daughter? But I never thought it was "Bob", a demon. Laura created this "demon" to cope with the trauma. Because the truth is just too awful to bear!

I'm tired, Fuchs. I just wanna get up to my shack and get drunk.


I agree, too. Based purely on what I saw from the movie, her father was into horses so in her mind she heard her fathers voice with the horses hooves so she experienced him as the devil.

I loved Twin Peaks and "Bob" scared the crap out of me! Lol


As soon as I saw that screwdriver I thought...Lynch.

Two cheers for reductionism!!


What the heck was opening doors and rattling door knobs then?

Two cheers for reductionism!!


A few thoughts:

The door rattling represents the girls having essentially locked their father out of their rooms and him trying to get in (beating the door).

Molly's fate essentially I thought was supposed to be the descent into her own insanity and while I'm no expert in symbolism, what I thought had happened was that after frustration and despair at her own weakness to commit suicide, she takes the last of her drugs (I assume), takes her clothes off and goes into the darkness towards the 'arms of the demon'. This was (in my opinion) her submission (she'd given up on trying to fight it, or trying to survive it). Her final fate? As the last dates of her camcorder suggest it was October, she's out there in the bare scuddy at night with class A drugs in her system...she most likely either died out there of an overdose or of exposure to the elements.

The scenes that indicate she killed the young girl I don't think were meant to suggest that she did it out of spite to teach Tim a lesson (or to punish the mother). I noted the girl was buried...I think it was meant to point towards Molly burying her lost innocence. Most of her stalking seemed to be spent on watching the young girl in particular (not so much the mother of the children). Perhaps she saw 'herself' in the child.

The biting confused a few people I know who've already seen the movie. Most likely an element of Molly's past as her father tried to make her perform various services resulting in biting to deter the abuse.

Hannah's fate is most likely going to go a similar way to Molly's (hopefully not completely though, as she does have a young son). Hannah was actually the one who killed their father (not Molly, as at some point, Molly says something like 'you were right to kill him'). While it wasn't specific in the film, in one of the featurettes on the DVD it goes on to explain that their father was actually murdered with a screwdriver and was found at the bottom of the basement stairs. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? (Does Tim ring a bell?)

The Pastor was an unusual some people have already pointed out here, he represents 'father' in a sense and therefore, that could be all it took for Molly to kill him (especially after he falls victim to her charms). At one point I got the strangest feeling that her behavior in the seduction scene with the pastor was her attempt to get him to admit to past 'liberties' he had taken with her (something in the way she asks about him missing sex was so insistant about it). Although the DVD or the featurettes stipulate nothing of the kind happened with the pastor and Molly, I did notice the pastor (in an interview on the featurette) talks about how it was no secret about the abuse that had been going on (and in this brief scene I saw no indication of regret that he himself didn't stop it). It did occur to me perhaps the pastor had been involved (perhaps in exchange for his complicity in keeping it all quiet). I'm probably (most likely) reading too much into it, but it was interesting I thought (although very cliche, as it's always 'men of God' who stereotypically become child abusers.

I wasn't a huge fan of the film, but it did make me think about a few things, and those are usually the best types of films (for me, at least).

We've become a race of peeping toms.
