Question *spoilers*

Hey guys,

just rented this film last night (so have not seen any extra features).

From what I´ve read so far in here, Molly and before her, her father, and now her sister - have been possessed by an entity/demon.

But for the fun of it: what if there is no demon or entity, just Molly having been molested as a child and eventually snapping. I can see her murdering the priest and husband (as they are men), but why the girl?
That just bothered me. Wouldn´t she - as a victim - identify with the girl?

I think it was an Ok film, good atmosphere and brilliant acting by Gretchen Lodge.

Thanks for your input.

Cheers from Norway.

"One day my log will have something to say about this."


It's debatable up until the final scene, but when Hannah hears the sounds herself, it's pretty clear that there's another force at work.

Actually, we see the demon a little earlier, too.


Really? I did not notice the demon. You mean in the service corridor in the mall?


The final scene Molly is in she goes outside, naked, and walks towards a figure of a man with the triple horses heads and horns. When she hugs him we can see he is very tall -about two feet taller than her. I think that is meant to be the demon.

I prefer Imaginality to reality.


She killed the girl first off cause she was demonic and second off so the surviving mother could bear the pain if she found out in the end she did it cause she cheated with her husband.


Ok, guys, thanks for your input, appreciate it.

"One day my log will have something to say about this."
